As part of a study experiment that aims to prevent cows from ingesting methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, a scientist inserts a long tube into the mouth of Thing 1, a calf that is two months old. Additionally, the scientist guides the tube down to the stomach of Thing 1. As a postdoctoral researcher at…
The discovery piqued the interest of scientists such as myself and my colleagues. After further research, we discovered that the scar was caused by a powerful tornado that no one knew had occurred. We detail the findings in a new study published today. Tornadoes provide a known concern in the United States and internationally. But…
“There’s big motivation on both sides to do it wrong,” he said. Injy Johnstone, a researcher specializing in carbon neutrality at Oxford University, told AFP the fact that nations can set their own standards in these country-to-country deals was a major concern. She said overall the risk of greenwashing makes Article 6 “the biggest threat…
HONG KONG – Super Typhoon Man-yi, packing winds of up to 240 kilometers per hour, is moving towards Hong Kong but meteorologists predict it will gradually weaken before making landfall. The Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) issued an advisory on Saturday (23/11), warning residents to prepare for potential impacts early next week. Currently located approximately 800…
HONG KONG – A powerful earthquake struck off the eastern coast of Taiwan on Saturday (23/11), with tremors being felt as far as Hong Kong, approximately 720 kilometers away. The United States Geological Survey (USGS) reported the quake measured 6.7 on the Richter scale. The earthquake’s epicenter was located 18 kilometers off Taiwan’s eastern coast,…
Scientists have long been fascinated by the stark differences between Earth’s solid surface and Jupiter’s seemingly endless atmosphere. While Earth has a clear distinction between its atmosphere and rocky surface, Jupiter presents a gradual transition from gas to liquid without any definitive surface. The key difference lies in their composition and structure. Earth, being a…
Pertanyaan tentang permukaan Jupiter telah lama membingungkan para pengamat langit. Berbeda dengan Bumi yang memiliki permukaan padat yang jelas, Jupiter sebenarnya tidak memiliki permukaan dalam arti konvensional. Planet gas raksasa ini adalah bola gas hidrogen dan helium yang sangat besar dengan struktur internal yang unik. Apa yang kita lihat sebagai “permukaan” Jupiter sebenarnya adalah lapisan…
Ilmuwan Meminta Rekayasa Bumi Karena Gletser Kiamat Cair Lebih Cepat Sekelompok ilmuwan terkemuka dari berbagai institut penelitian dunia baru saja menerbitkan laporan mengejutkan tentang percepatan pencairan gletser di Antartika dan Greenland. Temuan mereka menunjukkan bahwa kecepatan pencairan telah melampaui prediksi terburuk model iklim sebelumnya, mendorong seruan mendesak untuk mempertimbangkan solusi rekayasa bumi. Data satelit terbaru…
Merayakan ulang tahunnya yang ke-25, Sebuah inisiatif lingkungan oleh Alfamart Tanam 25.000 Mangrove 25.000 bibit pohon mangrove di Desa Pantai Bahagia, Muara Gembong, Bekasi. Inisiatif ini merupakan bagian dari Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Alfamart, bertujuan melestarikan lingkungan sekaligus mencegah abrasi yang mengancam wilayah pesisir utara Jawa. Menurut Corporate Affairs Director Alfamart, Solihin, aksi ini adalah…
Unik Gitar Daur Ulang Kampanyekan Peduli Lingkungan Melalui Musik Di tengah perkembangan industri musik yang terus berkembang pesat, muncul tren baru yang menggabungkan kreativitas seni dengan kesadaran lingkungan. Salah satu inovasi menarik yang kini mulai banyak diminati adalah gitar daur ulang. Gitar yang terbuat dari bahan-bahan yang sebelumnya dianggap sampah atau barang bekas ini tidak…