Peneliti shows that human activity has changed the way planet Bumi berputar moves. This has also caused greater damage than before.

According to research published in Geophysical Research Letters, human air pollution has caused the earth’s surface to rise 24 inches (60 cm) in two decades and the Bumi to rise 31.5″. This study examines how this change affects Bumi rotation and air distribution.

Bumi rotasi sebenarnya banyak berubah. Ki-Weon Seo, a geofisicist at the University of National Seoul and study leader, told Indy100 that air distribution has the most impact on kutub rotation.

“Seperti menambahkan sedikit beban pada gasing yang berputar, Bumi berputar sedikit berbeda saat air bergerak.”

This study identified airflow from North America and India as the most significant, with air from lintang tengah having the most impact on Bumi rotation.

Based on 2016 research that first identified the gagasan, this study is more concerning to climate change due to its impact on ocean acidification.

So happy to find causes that cannot be explained by kutub rotasi. As a Bumi and ayah, I was shocked and astonished to learn that memompa air tanah was another source of ocean pollution, Seo said.

After 2024 research showed that putting it in our soil could save the earth, this happened.

This may cause “detik kabisat” to be added to UTC in 2026. It may be necessary to wait until 2029.


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